Monday, April 25, 2011

Card Review: Don Zaloog

Don Zaloog Is a card that is underrated but has a lot of potential, now, some of you may think "Dark Scorpions? They're terrible!" and, quite frankly, they are BUT we're not talking about Dark Scorpions, we're talking about teching Don Zaloog into decks like Blackwings that need that extra push.

Sidebar: Here is Don Zaloog's effect if you didn't know:

When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, you can select and activate 1 of these effects:
● Discard 1 random card from your opponent's hand.
● Send 2 cards from the top of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard.

So much card advantage!

Don Zaloog's two effects provide you with so much card advantage!  I Mean, really, think about it, the first effect let's you discard a card from the opponents hand and the second mill two from they're deck, and still deal damage!  Of course the first is usually used more, as it provides better card advantage.

Now, you're probably thinking "Why tech it in blackwings?" well, blackwings have always had room for techs (Like Thunder King Rai-Oh) so, why not tech in something like Don Zaloog to provide card advantage?  And if you run Trap dustshoot and/or Mind Crush it can be even more useful when used with those effects!

In this format card advantage is important, and what beter card to help then Don Zaloog?

Until next time play well and have fun!

~ Potofduality1234(Topf)
Team Revelation 1st General

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